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The Rules of VIII International Stasys Vainiūnas Piano and Chamber Ensembles Competition


The Competition is open to pianists of all nationalities who were born in or after 1988, and to chamber ensembles whose members’ average age is less than 35 years.


The Competition is open to the following ensembles:

• Duo: violin and piano

• Trio: piano, violin, cello

• Quintet: piano, 2 violins, viola, cello


The International Stasys Vainiūnas Piano and Chamber Ensembles Competition is a member of Alink-Argerich Foundation.




  • Participants register ONLINE from 1 November in 2017 to 15 January in 2018 on website

  • During the registration the applicant must provide a valid YOUTUBE video performance link about 10 - 15 minutes, where he/she performs a free program. The video must not be edited. The organisers must receive the video link no later than 15 January 2018.

  • Registration advice can be found HERE. (Information is preparing)

  • Each participant shall prepare a programme in accordance with the Competition repertoire. The selected programme should be stated in the application form.

  • Questions are answered at the following contact:



Participation fee: 


Participants who will make the registration until 1st of December will get 50% discount to participation fee.


During the ONLINE registration it is necessary to pay entrance fee, which is not refundable. 


Enrollment fee for pianists (soloists) is 60 Euros


Enrollment fee for chamber ensembles is 100 Euros


More information about entrance fee you can find HERE.



Audition to the Competition:


  • Received applications on 16 January in 2018 are forwarded to the committee, which consists of the competition management.

  • Candidates are informed about their acceptance on 1 February in 2018. 

  • The entrance fee will not be refunded to competitors who were accepted and fail to arrive to the competition.

  • Management of the competition intermediates for the participants who need VISA in order to come to Lithuania, but it doesn't bear any financial responsibility. To receive VISA, please contact in advance (May, June in 2017) by e-mail



Course of the Competition


The Competition will be held:


  • For pianists (soloists) in three stages: the 1st Round and 2nd Round will take place in The Great Hall of Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (main building, Gedimino ave. 42); the Final Round will take place with The Chamber Orchestra in The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Katedros a. 4). The possible number of participants in the 2nd Round of Piano Solo category is no more than a half of all participants competing in the 1st Round. The Final Round for Piano Solo category will be limited to no more than six pianists. All pieces have to be performed from memory.

  • For chamber ensembles in two stages: the Pre-selection (1st) Round will take place in The Chamber Hall of Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (second building, Tilto 16); and the Final Round will take place in The Great Hall of Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (main building, Gedimino ave 42). The possible number of participants in the Final Round of Chamber Ensembles category is no more than one third (1/3) of all participants competing in the 1st Round.







  • Travel to and from Vilnius is each competitors responsibility. 

  • During all Rounds the participants pay their own living expenses.

  • Practice rooms for singers will be provided.

  • It is forbidden to have contact with the Jury during all the competition. After the announcement of the results, those who did not make it to the next round are welcome to ask the opinion of the Jury. 

  • The students of the Jury members can take part at the competition, but those Jury members are not allowed to vote for their students or have impact on the decisions of other Jury members and their decisions. 

  • Piano Competitors must register in person with the Secretariat on the 16th of March in 2018, at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.

    (Gedimino Ave 42, LT-01110 Vilnius)

    Chamber Ensembles Competitors must register on the 17th of March in 2018,

    at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre.

    (Gedimino Ave 42, LT-01110 Vilnius)

  • All performances are open to the public

  • The participation order will be established by drawing of lots – the order will remain valid until the end of the competition. The prizewinners are obliged to participate in the Prizewinners’ Concert without additional fees.

  • 1st and 2nd Rounds results are announced after each round, results of the Final are announced during the Award ceremony.

  • 1st and 2nd Rounds for Pianists are held in the Great Hall of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Gedimino Ave 42)

  • 1st Round for Chamber Ensembles are held in the Chamber Hall of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Tilto Str. 16)

  • Final of the competition for Pianists are held at the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Katedros a. 4)

  • Final of the competition for Chamber Ensembles  are held in the Great Hall of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre (Gedimino Ave 42)

  • The decisions of the jury are final and not subject to appeal.

  • The Management of the Competition reserves a right to permit all the Competition performances and final concerts to be broadcasted by radio and television and to be produced as audio, video, film, CD, tape cassette and vinyl recordings without remuneration to the competitors.



Jury. Piano category.


Andrius Žlabys (Lithuania/USA)

Sergėjus Okruško (Lithuania)

Konrad Maria Engel Germany)

Toms Ostrovskis (Latvia)

Jurgis Karnavičius (Lithuania)

Antoine de Grolee (France)

Erik Tawaststjerna (Finland)


Jury. Chamber ensembles category.


Avedis Kouyoumdjian (Austria)

Audronė Vainiūnaitė (Lithuania)

Petras Kunca (Lithuania)

Dalia Balsytė (Lithuania)

Ola Karlsson (Sweden)

Patrick Jüdt (Switzerland)

Marje Lohuaru (Estonia)


Prizes and awards




The jury of the International Stasys Vainiūnas Piano and Chamber Ensembles Competition will award six prizes to pianists: three prizes to laureates, and three prizes to diploma holders.


First prize: 3 000 Eur

Second prize: 2 000 Eur 

Third prize: 1 000 Eur


Three diploma holders: 400 Eur each


The Jury has the right not to award certain prizes or to divide the prize money among several participants. The decision of the Jury is beyond appeal.


Addiotional prizes from organizations or private persons are available.


Chamber ensembles


The jury of the International Stasys Vainiūnas Piano and Chamber Ensembles Competition will award six prizes to chamber ensembles:




First prize: 4 000 Eu

Second prize: 3 000 Eu

Third prize: 2 000 Eu


Three diploma holders: 400 Eur each


The Jury has the right not to award certain prizes or to divide the prize money among several participants. The decision of the Jury is beyond appeal.


Addiotional prizes from organizations or private persons are available.


Final Comments


  • In the event of any discrepancies, the Lithuanian text of these instructions shall prevail.

  • During the competition Steinway pianos will be available for pianists in both category.

  • Management of the competition intermediates for the participants who need VISA in order to come to Lithuania, but it doesn't bear any financial responsibility. To receive VISA, please contact in advance (February in 2017) by e-mail:

  • The next International Stasys Vainiūnas Competition for Piano and Chamber Ensembles are planned in 2022.








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