Photos from VII International Stasys Vainiūnas Piano and Chamber Ensemble Competition
© Photos by Džoja Barysaitė and Elena Kairytė

Organisers and jury members in Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre

Prof. Birutė Vainiūnaitė and her father Stasys Vainiūnas

The Opening day and V. Juodpusis - director of Stasys Vainiūnas Home

Rector Z. Ibelgauptas

Members of the Jury Prof. P. Geniušas and Prof. Jurgis Karnavičius

Members of the Jury

II prize winners in 2010, Piano Quintet (Lithuania) Rima Chačaturian / piano, Ramunė Grakauskaitė / I violin Justina Plauškaitė / II violin Aistė Mikalauskaitė / viola Rokas Vaitkevičius / cello

Competition moment

The Jury

S. Vainiūnas' birthday

The winner of previous competition Motiejus Bazaras (Lithuania) performing S. Vainiūnas

Lithuanian instrument "kanklės" (chordophone)

The Jury and Mr. V. Juodpusis

The birthday cakes' cutting

Slava Kontorovič setting up the piano before the competition

Chamber Ensemble Category

The Chairperson of the Jury - Avedis Kouyoumdjian (Austria)

Akemi Alink Yamamoto (The Netherlands-Japan)

Cellist of Delta Piano Trio - Irene Enzlin

Members of the Jury and Winners

Paulius Rudokas / piano and Kostas Tumosa / violin with prof. Dalia Balsytė

Piano Trio Gaspar (Poland) with prof. Agne Sprūdža (Latvia)

Duo Sonoro (Ukraine) with Akemi Alink Yamamoto (The Netherlands/Japan)

Special Eduardas Balsys foundation prize for the best interptratation of the classical piece. Duo Sonoro (Ukraine) with Prof. Dalia Balsytė

Zhibek Kozhakhmetova (Kazakhstan) with Prof. Lauri Väinmaa (Estonia)

Duo Presto (Lithuania) with Prof. Audronė Vainiūnaitė

Justas Čeponis (Lithuania) with Prof. Juris Kalnciems

Thibault Lebrun (France) with Prof. Tamara Rusanova

Winners and Members of the Jury

Diploma-holder Jurgis Aleknavičius (Lithuania) performing S. Vainiūnas in the Closing Concert

Diploma-holder Anastasia Milovanova (Russia)

Special prize winner Zhibek Kozhakhmetova (Kazakhstan) performing S. Vainiūnas in the Closing Concert

III Prize winner Ayane Matsuura (Japan)

Duo Presto (Lithuania)

Joyful moments after the performance

Valeriia Shulga (piano) and Andrii Pavlov (violin)

Delta Piano Trio

Thibault Lebrun (France) performing Concerto No. 12 KV 414 with Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra

S. Vainiūnas Concerto for Piano and Chamber Orchestra No. 4, Op. 40

Final moments of the closing