Registracija iki / Deadline
sausio 31 January
balandžio 23-30 April
Prizinis fondas 26 000 EUR Prize fund
X tarptautinis
Balio Dvariono
jaunųjų pianistų
ir smuikininkų
Organising committee
Aleksandras Jurgelionis - piano teacher at the National M.K. Čiurlionis Art School
Prof. Julius Andrejevas - composer, pianist
Irena Didžiulienė - chief specialist of the Professional Art Division at the Lithuanian Ministry of Culture
Prof. Juozas Domarkas - Artistic Director and Principal Conductor of the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra, Head of the Conducting Department of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Prof. Dr. Jurgis Dvarionas - Chairman of the Balys Dvarionas Charity and Support Foundation
Justas Dvarionas - pianist, Vice-president of the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth (EMCY)
Vygintas Gasparavičius - Director of the PI Natų knygynas
Prof. Petras Radzevičius - Head of the String Department of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Laima Rutkauskienė - senior specialist of the Basic and Secondary Education Division at the Ministry of Education
Laimutė Užkuraitienė - Director of the Balys Dvarionas Ten-Year School of Music