Rules of the competition
The 10th International Balys Dvarionas Competition for Young Pianists and Violinists will be held in Vilnius from April 23-30, 2016.
The Competition is open to Pianists and Violinists of all nationalities who were born on or after June 19, 1996.
The competition is subdivided into 3 age groups:
"A" - participants born on or after June 19, 2004
"B" - participants born on or after June 19, 2000
"C" - participants born on or after June 19, 1996
The performances will be evaluated by an international jury.
Each jury for Pianists and for Violinists will include 7 members.
The final 3rd round with orchestra in age group "C" will be adjudicated by all 14 Jury members.
Jury decisions are final and may not be challenged or amended.
All performances are open to the public.
The order of performance in Round 1 and Round 2 of the Competition will be determined by age from the youngest to the oldest participant.
The order of performance in Round 3 will be decided by the Organizers together with the orchestra conductor.
Competition Laureates and Diploma Holders are obliged to participate in the Competition Finale Concerts without remuneration or reimbursement of expenses.
The Competition Committee reserves the right to record and market Competition performances and Finale Concerts in any format, present or future, including but not limited to audio, video, digital or other forms of recording, and/or to radio, Internet, digital and/or TV broadcasts, as well as commercial release of said recordings/broadcasts without remuneration to the Competitors.
A non-refundable Entrance Fee is: 60 EUR – for the age group A, 80 EUR – for the age group B – 100 EUR for the age group C. The fee must be paid by January 31, 2016 during the online registration (through Paysera or by Credit Card). It is also possible to pay via bank transfer, but you have to save the copy of payment on your computer in digital format (pdf, jpg, jpeg), the full name of the Competitor should be given in this file.
If you prefer to pay via bank transfer The Entrance Fee is payable to the following bank account:
Bank: AB SEB bankas
Name: VšĮ Natu knygynas
IBAN: LT067044060001587589
The Entrance fee is not returnable.
Applications to be submitted by January 31, 2016. It is strongly recommended to apply for the competition ONLINE (the application will be available in the beginning of December in 2015, the address is www.dvarionas.com/application).
Before registering online the applicant must be sure that he (she) has:
- a digital copy of the Applicant's birth certificate or ID, or passport copy, where the name and birth date of the Applicant is apparent (pdf, jpg, jpeg formats);
- if the payment was made through the bank transfer, an official digital confirmation of payment of the fee;
- short biography of the Applicant (up to 200 words);
- proposed Competition repertoire;
- recent portrait picture (png, jpg, jpeg formats), the size should be 3 MB, suiable for printing;
- link(-s) of YOUTUBE video recording (-s).
The video for the pre-selection must contain a 10-15 min. recording with pieces from the 1st and from the 2nd rounds. The recording of compositions must not be edited or altered in any way, although separate pieces can be recorded at different time or various venues.
The recordings will be evaluated by the Jury of the 19th National Balys Dvarionas competition for piano and strings.
Lithuanian applicants can participate at the 10th International Balys Dvarionas competition on regular basis after the video pre-selection, or subsequent to a successful live performance at the National Balys Dvarionas competition receiving a personal invitation from the Jury.
Applicants will be advised of their acceptance or otherwise on or before March 1st, 2016.
On request professional accompanists will be provided for an additional fee. Cost of one rehearsal is 30 EUR.
Competitors should arrive and register at the Competition Desk at the following address:
Balys Dvarionas Ten-Year Music School
T. Kosciuškos 13, Vilnius.
Lithuanian text takes precedence over this translation in any dispute concerning interpretation of the Competition rules.
The next International Balys Dvarionas Competition for Young Pianists and Violinists is anticipated to take place in 2020.
2012 Grand Prix Winner Yukine Kuroki (Japan) photo by D. Matvejevas