Balys Dvarionas Charity and Support Foundation
Balys Dvarionas Charity and Support Foundation is operating in Lithuania for more than twenty years. The Foundation nurtures the heritage of the Lithuanian composer Balys Dvarionas and significantly stimulates cultural activities and creative artistic self-expression of the youth, promotes musical talents in the pre-professional area on national and European level.
The activities of the Foundation have been supported among others by such world famous musicians as Vladimir Ashkenazy, David Geringas, Yehudi Menuhin, Mstislav Rostropovich, Lazar Berman.
Some main activities of the Foundation:
Annual International Seminar for Young Talents in Palanga „Gintarinė svetainė“
During the seminar young Lithuanian talents have a unique chance to be taught by world-known and experienced teachers without the necessity going abroad. Every day concerts take place across the whole coastal region - it is a great stage practise opportunity for young talents as well as a valuable tradition of music promotion. This seminar was partly supported by the Lithuanian Council for Culture more than once.

Mstislav Rostropovich: „Wonderful idea – seminar for young musicians in Palanga“.
„Gintarinė svetainė“ in 1995
National Balys Dvarionas Competition for Pianists and String Players.
The majority of today renowned Lithuanian pianists and string players have started their musical careers at this competition. Furthermore, as students from all over Lithuania music and art schools are participating in this competition, not only children from big cities are noticed but many talents from the regions and their teachers are given the opportunity to present themselves. This is the only national competition in Lithuania as member of the European Union of Music Competitions for Youth: in organising and jury work it implements quality standards in the interest of fairness, the educational process and competition best practice. The most talented young musicians are given opportunities to perform on Lithuanian stages and abroad.
This competition is partially supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Lithuania.
Balys Dvarionas competition is under patronage of H.E. the President of the Republic of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė.
Organising concerts for young talents in Lithuania and abroad.
For young performers who are dedicating their time and putting a lot of work into into their speciality from a very young age it is very important having possibilities to perform concerts. Balys Dvarionas Charity and Support Foundation together with EMCY organises and supports such concerts. In recent years events took place in Lithuanian towns and villages as well as for young performers from Lithuania concerts have been arranged in Germany, Austria, Norway, Ukraine, and Poland. The foundation together with EMCY organised a concert for the laureates of the International Balys Dvarionas Competition from Lithuania, Latvia, and Japan, where they performed with the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra at the National Philharmonic.
The promotion of music of the Lithuanian composers.
Balys Dvarionas Charity and Support Foundation encourages promotion of works of Lithuanian composers, founds prizes for the performances of such music at competitions, and distributes the sheet music.

Yehudi Menuhin: “These can be only good people. In this way they prepare the better future.
I cordially wish you success.” 1997, „Gintarinė svetainė“
The Balys Dvarionas Charity and Support Foundation operates on the generous contributions of volunteers, donations of goods and services, and grants and other financial support. Donations are tax deductible and may be sent directly to:
Balio Dvariono Labdaros ir Paramos Fondas
Company code: 192011537
Account: LT617044060001360492
Address: Gedimino ave. 33/17-8, Vilnius, Lithuania
Donations of 2 percent of the income tax obligation make a substantial part of the Foundations yearly budget as well.