
Concert-performance in Children's Hospital
4 November 2016, 12:00 PM
Each year 25 000 children are being treated in Vilnius Children's Hospital. A project financed by European Union program called Creative Europe provides an extraordinary possibility to diversify free time activities for the young patients, bring them joy and freshly introduce them to music and dance. Partners from United Kingdom with a playful name The Flying Gorillas and young, talented musicians from European Music Competitions will prepare an interesting and engaging program. Good mood guaranteed!
© Vaikų ligoninės paramos fondas

© Pabradės soc. globos namai
Concerts-performances in Pabradė Social Foster Home
5 November 2016, 02:30 PM
Near a small Lithuanian town called Pabradė, not far from a river Žeimena, surrounded with pine trees there is a peaceful oasis – Pabradė Social Foster Home. Even 178 children and young people found their shelter there (age from 4 until 29 and older), they all have special needs and all require constant professional care. About 90 percent of them are parentless.
The project financed by European Union program called Creative Europe gives an opportunity for a wonderful joint team from ensemble members of The Flying Gorillas group and musicians-laureats from European Competitions to visit this home and it's patients. The program prepared by the team is a wonderful way to present the beauty of music and dance in a completely different and understandable light, invite the audience to join for a joyful journey of art, which will live in their memories for a long time. To sum up – joy and the feeling of unity, new positive experiences – those are the things that we are about to experience :)

© Valdas Kopūstas
Concert-performance in Pabradė Foreigner Registration Centre
7 November 2016, 01:30 PM
More than 150 refugees live in Pabradė Foreigner Registration Centre (usually locals call it a just refugee centre). This centre – first stop for all illegal imigrants where they wait until their future is clarified. Most inhabitants – are young and middle aged people, children are also not an exception. Main concern of the highest officers of the centre is to plan activities so that there wouldn't be any time left for conflicts and fighting, also, how to find ways to unite so quickly changing audience?
The project financed by European Union program called Creative Europe gives an opportunity to organise an extraordinary event for the residents of the centre during which they will be able to not only listen to music and watch how the professionals dance but to empathize with the performers and for this short time to become perormers themselves, to learn new things and experience an implicit joy of performance. The Flying Gorillas and young talented musicians from European Union of Music Competitions for Youth are sincerely looking forward to this meaningful experience!